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Ward 9-10 Week Class Record Books, Pack Of 3 Books

Manufacturer #WAR910L-3


    Easy way to track classroom information, such as grades and seating charts. The letter-size format can easily fit into a bag or briefcase.

    • An ideal way to organize information from pre-k to college classes.
    • Versatile design accommodates a variety of classroom management needs.
    • Space for up to 38 students per page makes it simple to track student information.
    • Memorandum sheets and seating charts provide additional organizational options.
    • Durable cover protects pages inside.
    • Semiconcealed wire binding lets you quickly flip through pages.
    • Includes 4 grading periods with grading sheets for 36 to 40 weeks of school and 16 classes per year for ample record keeping capacity.
    • Contains 3 record books for record keeping throughout the academic year.