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Putting Care Into Practice
Helping schools and small businesses meet their full potential


When it comes to education and business, opportunity may knock, but it doesn’t necessarily knock on every door equally. A lack of funding and resources may impede schools in low-income communities, and non-level playing fields can negatively impact Black- and Hispanic-owned small businesses. The ODP Corporation offers a range of philanthropic initiatives that include programs created to assist underprivileged schools and small businesses.

Caring for community

The ODP Corporation, and its family of brands, are committed to a 5C Culture that is comprised of five principles: customer, commitment, change, caring, and creativity. As part of the caring principle, there are several programs and initiatives that support communities in the education and small business sectors. ODP Business Solutions (a business unit of The ODP Corporation) has helped foster brighter beginnings for schools through several educational initiatives, in partnership with Office Depot® and OfficeMax® stores, plus helped accelerate the creation, growth, and prosperity of underserved small businesses with Elevate Together®.

Start Proud!®

In 2018, The ODP Corporation created Start Proud!® as its back-to-school philanthropic initiative. This program was created to help foster brighter beginnings for schools in low-income communities, nationwide, and provide students, parents, and teachers with supplies to help start the school year with confidence. 

Support is in the bag

Associate volunteers from The ODP Corporation business units — including Office Depot, ODP Business Solutions, and VEYER — fill premium backpacks with school supplies such as notebooks, composition books, pencils, highlighters, and more for students at nearly 30 Title I schools nationwide. 

Once assembled, these backpacks are distributed at Start Proud!® pep rallies held on school campuses throughout the months of August and September. During this time, school administrators, teachers, and volunteer associates from The ODP Corporation business units team up to host celebratory events, unveil donations, and welcome students back to school during their first week.

In addition, a select number of exemplary teachers are selected by their principals and surprised with an All-Star Teacher award. This is in recognition of their dedication to education and extraordinary contributions to the students beyond the classroom. The company then surprises each All-Star Teacher with products that include new technology, furniture, and teaching supplies.

Giving back to teachers

Every school year, teachers spend an average of $500–$750 out-of-pocket on supplies for their classrooms.*  That’s why we offer a series of shopping sprees with in-store credit at Office Depot® and OfficeMax® stores to under-resourced schools across the country. This is made possible through generous donations from customers at Office Depot® and OfficeMax® stores and online, powered by Round It Up America®.

“Caring for the communities in which we live and work is a huge component of our culture, which we’re demonstrating by supporting students, families, and teachers each year.” 

— Gerry Smith, chief executive officer for The ODP Corporation

Elevate Together®

To help support underserved small businesses achieve more sustainable growth and profitability, Gerry Smith and the organization’s executive leadership team looked for a way to have an impactful response to addressing inequity.

Backing businesses so they can take the lead

Elevate Together is an initiative designed to support underserved businesses with five or less employees. Elevate Together currently partners with the National Urban League’s Entrepreneurship Centers, the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, and other community partners to achieve these goals.

Realizing results

To date, hundreds of small business owners have received Elevate Together grants, technical assistance, and mentoring offered by Elevate Together community partners. 

ODP Business Solutions is committed to empowering education, championing entrepreneurship, and strengthening our communities. Contact your ODP Business Solutions account manager or visit for more details on Start Proud! and Elevate Together.




ODP and ODP Business Solutions are trademarks of ODP Business Solutions, LLC. Office Depot and Elevate Together are trademarks of The Office Club, LLC. OfficeMax and Start Proud! are trademarks of OMX, Inc.

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