Q: Is there an easy way to release an order on hold?
A: If the order is ready to process as is and there are no changes to the order, you can go into Order Tracking or History. Find the box under the Release column, click in the box, and a check mark will be displayed. Go to the bottom of the page and select Release Orders.
Q: When is the latest I can order to receive my delivery tomorrow?
A: Orders received by 5:00 p.m. local time are processed for next day.
Q: Why am I only able to see part of the screen on my monitor?
A: There are settings in your browser that control the way your screen is displayed. If you utilize Microsoft Internet Explorer, you can change fonts under browser options: select View, select Fonts, and select Smallest. If you utilize Netscape Navigator 6.0, you can change the fonts under browser options: Options, select General Preferences, select Fonts tab, select Choose Font for Proportional Font, select a font size of 10 or 11, select OK, close remaining windows.
Q: When printing an acknowledgment I am missing the right side of the page, why?
A: There are settings in your browser that control the printing function. If you utilize Microsoft Internet Explorer, you can change margins under browser printing options: select File, select Page Setup, change Margins (inches), Left to .25”, Right to .20”. If you would like, you can change the Top and Bottom to .25”.
Q: How do I obtain my login information?
A: Initially, your login information will be provided by either your Account Manager, or by a designated "super-user" within your company. If you forget your password or need it reset, the Electronic Commerce Support Desk can provide assistance in resetting the password and / or providing the login name (after the caller's identity is verified). You can reach Electronic Commerce Support Monday through Friday 7:00 A.M. to 8:30 P.M. (EST) at:1-800-269-6888.
Q: My order never arrived, what happened?
A: Delivery tracking is handled by your local ODP Business customer service center. This number can be obtained by either contacting your ODP Business Account Manager or by calling the E-Commerce Support Desk at 800-269-6888.
Q: How do I return or exchange an item?
A: Returns & exchanges are handled by your local ODP Business customer service center. Online returns can be processed via Order Tracking. For assistance in processing an online return, please contact the E-Commerce Support Desk at 800-269-6888.
Q: What is "your signature authority uses an unknown algorithm"?
A: Your Internet Explorer or Netscape software's security certificate needs to be updated. This is usually handled by your internal technical support, MIS, or IS department. Updates can be found at the Microsoft or Netscape websites.
Q: Why do I get a message about "Certificate Authority has expired?
A: Your browser's certificate for access to secure sites has expired. Please contact your IS department to have the certificate deleted, or to have the browser upgraded.
Q: When I log in, why do I get the error "page cannot be displayed"?
A: Either your username or password is being entered incorrectly, or there may be an issue with your connection to the Internet. Please check the typing of your information and try again. Be sure the Internet address you are attempting to login to is: www.odpbusiness.com
Q: What is a cost center, a purchase order number, or a desktop location?
A: Theses fields may or may not be required by your company. If there is an asterisk (*) next to the field, it is required. This information is supplied to you by your company. If the field has a "search" button next to it, you may click on that button to be presented with the various valid responses for that particular field.
Q: What is the difference between a cart & a list?
A: The shopping cart is used for purchases you are making right away. The custom shopping list feature is used to create lists of commonly ordered items for future reference. You may have multiple lists on your account.
Q: What is a best value?
A: Items that have been discounted especially for your company per your agreement with ODP Business.
Q: Why do I have to change my password?
A: For security reasons, ODP Business gives you the option of changing your password on a regular basis (30, 60 or 90 days). When prompted to change your password, you may rekey the same password again in the "new password" section & "confirm password" fields. Please contact your ODP Business account manager or superuser if you would like to have your password set to never expire
Q: I'm trying to type in my Login Name, but instead my cursor just jumps all over the screen?
If you are using the number pad on your keyboard, make sure your num-lock is on
Q: I am supposed to have access to several addresses for shipping. How do I change the default choice?
A: On the "additional order information" screen, you will see your current address. If your company has given you access to multiple shipping addresses, you will notice a "search" button next to the address ID box. Click on the "search" button and you will be presented with the list of shipping addresses available for your profile. You may have the option of "choose" for the current order, and "make default" to make the default choice the next time you order online.
Q: Why is my order "on hold”? I did not place it on hold.
A: Your account may be set up in such a way that your permission allows you to place orders on hold only. An email is then sent to your administrator or purchasing department, which then allows them to review, approve, and then release the order from hold.
Q: How do I get a catalog?
A: Your Account Manager will provide you with a catalog.
Q: I cannot find "Order Tracking and History".
A: Your orders can now be found under the "Order History & Tracking" link in the upper right-hand corner of the BSD site.
Q: In "Order History & Tracking", what do the various order status' mean?
A: "Held for Review or Restrictions" - Your purchasing department may request to restrict your orders to "hold only". Typically, a supervisor would be selected to approve and release the orders, and would receive an order notification via e-mail (if the supervisor's e-mail address is correctly configured in your login profile).
"Held by Customer" -You decided to place the order on hold until you are ready for ODP Business to process it.
"Waiting to fill" - Your order has been received and is being processed for delivery.
"On the Truck" - Your order is in route for delivery and reconciliation.
"Delivered" - Your order has been reconciled.
"Canceled" - Your order has been canceled.
"Return" - Your return has been processed.
"Credit Card Declined" - Your credit card transaction was not approved by the card provider. Please contact your Customer Service Center.
Q: What are the recommended web browsers for using bsdnet.?
A: MS Internet Explorer version 5.0 or higher. Netscape version 4.7 or higher.
Q: What do the asterisks mean on the Additional Order Information Screen?
A: The asterisks on the Additional Order Information Screen mean the field is a required field. In order to complete your order, information must be either manually entered in the field or the search button to the right of the box may be chosen to select a specific selection.
Q: Why do I have to select the Purchase Now button to complete my order?
A: If Purchase Now is not selected, the order will reside on your PC and may be lost. The Purchase Now option must be selected on the Please Review Your Order page or the order will not be placed on ODP Business's system for delivery.
Q: How can I place my Requisition Form and enter it on the Internet?
A: Yes, ODP Business has the ability to take an Excel spreadsheet and load it into the Internet as a Custom Shopping List. Ask you ODP Business Account Manager for more details.
Q: Is there a way that a user can be deleted off of the Internet?
A: As a Super User you are only able to disable users. If you have a user you would like to have deleted off of the Internet, disable that user and in Edit User Profiles, and change the user name to DELETE. Every Friday morning ODP Business will delete every user with the user name 'DELETE'.